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As we know the spand of China's history is stretch from BCE to this Modern time, but there was a time when China facing some difficulties. When Qin Dynasti ruling China or some says "Hanyu Pinyin" the international and internal conflict makes the downfall for this Dinasty.

1. Opium War I (1839 - 1842) & Opium War II (1856 - 1860)

The Opium war happens because the imbalance benefit of trade relationship between China and the European country particularly with United Kingdom.

For some reasons, the demand of luxury goods from China to Europe is high it makes the United Kigndom and its allies being concern of the imbalance money flow that happens from and to Europe. And for making it being even they offering Opium as their commodities to Chinese people.

Qin dinasty seeing this as a national problem where they found Opium was so addictive and making the people of China having difficulties to do their daily activities. So for sorting this out China confiscate the opium's that the United Kingdom's had giving the United Kigdom's government a reason to try negotiate and for you to expect giving them the more upper hand of this situation.

2. Tonkin War (1883 - 1885)

To be frank, it should have been a war that had an impact on both France and Vietnam, but because North Vietnam still had ties with China, it was related to China government back then. The intention of France colonize North Vietnam and Southern China for they called it "Cochinchina" making it very irritating to China not to fight back and giving a hand to Vietnam. Eventhough in the end it was ended with negotiation but there were no significant benefit for both parties.

3. Sino - Japanese War (1894 - 1895)

The losing influence in Korean peninsula makes China have to respond agressively to this Japanese emperor but unfortunately they losing the battle and have to giving some regions including Taiwan to Japan.

4. Russian invasion Manchuria (1904 - 1905)

China's loss in Sino - Japanese war makes the Russia empire restless, and having to confronting the Japan imperial army in the process. and to be sadden the China Emperor just watching their teritorial being contested by foreign country while they just being the victim in this confrontation.

in the meantime, while conflict and war happens China have to be shamed with the Concession area which means some of China's city have to offered to some european country because the effect of Nanking Treaty. Facing difficulties in maintaining the sovereignty The China empire also had to facing some economic resistance from the European.

As we mention it before Nanking Treaty is the first treaty as Chinese mention it as unequeal treaty. The content of the treaty was Changing the way of Chinese doing their International trade affair, paying for the Opium they have been destroyed and have to pay the war reparations for summary Chinese Imperial have to pay 21 Million dollars within 3 years with 5% interest every year if China can't pay in the timely manner, and China have to hand over the Honkong island to british for they can repair and having a checkpoint in Southern Asia sea.

Next time maybe I will continue this story with some story of the treaty china have to sign while facing unequal conditions.

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